Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ziegler unhappy

...and has a dark prediction in the last 'graf.


Arelcao Akleos said...

Well, one thing is certain, the MSM will now scrutinize Brown as they did/do Palin. Expect the full "NYT 10 hounds on his trail" treatment. Just to make sure they can minimize national impact. As for his reelection bid, it being in the context of a presidential election they certainly cannot focus on him alone. But this time the machine will be very well prepared. I fully expect "magnificent" vote totals pouring out of the usual suspect city centers.

Mr roT said...

They'll go after his kids.
They like innuendo about young, hot girls.

Tecumseh said...

Unless of course Republicans have a sable full of experienced, properly accented, locally educated, hunky male candidates with perfect names who drive trucks and whose wives are local newscasters ... and whose daughters are American Idol contestants who star on local college basketball teams. Good luck with that Michael Steele! Sarah Palin is clearly very fertile but even she couldn’t possibly populate a master race of populist Republican candidates fast enough to fill the need.

Hmmm.... C'mon, there must be more like Scott Brown out there. Eg, Thune looks like a reasonable guy to me. And, once they see it can be done, perhaps others will throw in their hat in the ring?

Tecumseh said...

That last paragraph is rather dark, indeed. But, alas, not at all improbable. At any rate, 2012 is some way down the road, let's try to get through 2010 first, without things falling apart too much.

Mr roT said...

Thune is already a senator. You mean as a candidate for president?

One quick gut-check for president: No one from SC has an easy way up. They've got a confederate flag on State House grounds. If you're opposed to it, the locals won't vote for you. If you're ok with it, then you've got that on your voting record.

Tecumseh said...

Hey, you're a one-track mind kind of guy, at least when it comes to politics. Not everything is about presidential elections. I'm talking about the Senate per se, and fresh blood making its way into that august body. Yes, Thune has been there for a while, but not that long. There should be more fresh blood -- too many dinosaurs there, like Kerry, or Specter, etc. Good thing Dodd is retiring -- he was an embarrassment. What about Byrd? Is he 100 yet?

Mr roT said...

I thought you were talking about new prospects for senator:

Sarah Palin is clearly very fertile but even she couldn’t possibly populate a master race of populist Republican candidates fast enough to fill the need.

OK, I am willing to say I like Thune. I like DeMint a lot better.

Tecumseh said...

I thought we were talking about relatively young guys. Yes, DeMint is good. But, is he a spring chicken?

Mr roT said...

Not too springy in the drumsticks, but he's got the Dems pretty hamstrung here and there.

Tecumseh said...

Not bad, not bad. This guy DeMint can smell a something non-kosher a mile away -- right?