Wednesday, July 05, 2006

will the cheneys go to the funeral ?


Tecumseh said...

More likely, Paul Krugman will go. After all, he was an advisor for Enron for several years, so he ows it to his former boss, no?

The Darkroom said...

i didn't know that. but i am really curious about the vice & w. interesting dilemna in pre-electoral period.

Tecumseh said...

Here's Krugman's (the Left's favorite economist) Enron angle:

Krugman had been considered a likely pick for a top economic policy post if John Kerry had won the 2004 presidential election. Krugman worked on an advisory board for Enron throughout most of 1999 before resigning to take a job as a columnist. This became a source of controversy when the story of the Enron scandal broke, with critics accusing him of having a conflict of interest and the job of having been a bribe to control media coverage, charges he vehemently denies. He also notes that he disclosed the past Enron relationship when he later wrote about the company.

Now, what about "the cheneys"? Were they also affilated with Enron?