Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Touchdown for Binnie

There's a lot of glee in his corner, where they know deep inside their hearts who the "good guys" are.


The Darkroom said...

man, you're really buying into that "you're with the republicans or with the terrorists" line, aren't you ?

Tecumseh said...

I'm just quoting that lawyer. He made it plain who he thinks the "good guys" are in Hamdan vs Rumsfeld -- I'll give you a hint: it's not Rummy.

The Darkroom said...

yes I know, we're scaling back civil rights and privacy laws to increase our chances of finding a couple of wackos with little more than firecrackers - but protest it and you're a terrorist. Likewise, speak against the war and you're endangering the troops.
Democracy US style.

Tecumseh said...

I haven't seen any of my civil rights or privacy scaled back. Far as I can tell, this is just an urban legend put out by the NYT & Co. Now, the WOT is something real, and it's not being fought with firecrackers.

Tecumseh said...

How about the civil rights of these guys who just wanted to see the Germany-Italy game? Oh well, that's not the kind of thing anyone should worry about, right? To the Left, it's far more gratifying (and cheap) to obsess about imaginary threats to freedom, than the real ones.