Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Le Pen channels Pepe

Les grands esprits se rencontrent: showing, once again, that all Frenchmen think the same way, no matter what they say.


Mr roT said...

Impressive! Even Fascists surrender like dogs when they're French.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Anti-semitism is one of the unifying forces between the Islamic world and Europe. Some time ago Pepe told me -- paraphrasing of course -- that in the post-WWII world, there wasn't any more Jew-hating in France, or something to that effect.

Tecumseh said...

I wouldn't ascribe each and every action to anti-semitism -- this can (and does) play a role, but I think there is such think as pure anti-americanism, in and of itself. What is the precise balance in this case, I don't know, and I'm not really interested in finding out. What matters is what comes out of it -- and that's not pretty.

Arelcao Akleos said...

There is of course a difference between anti-semitism and anti-americanism [just think of Pat Buchanan vs Steven Shapiro], but the overlap between the two antisms, in much of the world [Eurabia and the Ummah and the Pepe line of Fave Latin Dictators], is today astonishingly large. Maybe it has partly to do with the concentration of whatever Jews remain in this world predominantly in just two countries, Israel and the USA. Maybe it has to do with the need to be efficient in hatreds, and unifying Yank and JOO into a "Neocon Cabal" allows two birds hit with but one stone cast. Or it could simply be that the sort of Versaillian mind which is fired by hatred of Yanks ["Uppity Peasants who don't know their place"] is naturally inclined to hatred of Jews [ "Uppity Merchants who don't know their place"]. Or other common underlying variables. But whatever the reason, it is an empirical observation that the two hatreds are highly correlated in these golden days.

Pepe le Pew said...

But whatever the reason, it is an empirical observation that the two hatreds are highly correlated in these golden days.
right - if the americans are relegated to status of clowns by the quasi-entirety of the planet, it isn't because of the ineptitude of the neocons, but because of anti-semitic bias. Of all the absurdities you have spilled on this blog, this one has to be the most laughable.

mft - in our conversation a few months back, i simply stated that there is no anti-semitism as matter of policy. that is not to say that such feelings are non-existent: le pen gets close to 18% of the votes and his crowd is a patchwork of non-white-french-christian hating lot. But he doesn't limit himself to jew-hatred: he has also been promoting muslim fearmongering for over 30 years in ways that would make aa proud, as well as blacks.

Pepe le Pew said...

Incidentally, therer is no need to cross the atlantic: for a good look at anti-semitism, just use a mirror.

Pepe le Pew said...

(you can still argue that these fine american specimens are all descendants of the french)

My Frontier Thesis said...

Whatever, Pepe.

Anonymous said...

what do you ever mean ? are these your people or mine ?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Pepe, would you regard defending Israel as neo-con posturing rather than bringing anti-Semitism into check along at least one geo-political border?

Also: I'm a bit uncertain what your non-specific reference to "these people" means.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Note: I won't have the capability to watch YouTube clips until this Sunday evening.

Anonymous said...

mft - we talk when you've watched the video.

Why do the French hate Jews so much, though?mft, you can't generalize le pen's stances to the entirety of the population.

You rarely, if ever, acknowledge the killings of, for example, Theo van Goegh as anything troubling.
mft, although i am unsure how this observation is indicative of anti-semitism on my part, murder of anyone is troubling. I didn't read your statements against the raping/murdering marine wackos either. But i do not believe this means you support such actions.

Pepe, would you regard defending Israel as neo-con posturing rather than bringing anti-Semitism into check along at least one geo-political border?
i don't see the israeli question as having anything to do with anti-semitism. rather i think the effort at amalgamating anti-zionism with anti-semitism is a way to avoid questioning the legitimacy of the israeli state at the expense of the palestinians.

Mr roT said...

I'm all in favor of the Palestinians. When they kill each other it's highly entertaining.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Patalonista's cant: " i don't see the israeli question as having anything to do with anti-semitism. rather i think the effort at amalgamating anti-zionism with anti-semitism is a way to avoid questioning the legitimacy of the israeli state at the expense of the palestinians."

A powerful point, after all only cretins would confuse anti-Gaullism with anti-French, for the effort at amalgamating the two is a way to avoid questioning the legitimacy of the French state at the expense of the Youths, the Basques, the Romans, the Celts of Brittany, etc...

Arelcao Akleos said...

Patalonista's cant: "although i am unsure how this observation is indicative of anti-semitism on my part, murder of anyone is troubling. I didn't read your statements against the raping/murdering marine wackos either. But i do not believe this means you support such actions. "

Murder of anyone is troubling? What, you've changed your mind about murder and attempted murder, at the hands of Islam, being mere "purse snatching and petty crime'??? When did this miracle occur?

Since Theo Van Gogh was not "Neocon" perhaps you have a point about "anti-semite". TVG was anti IM, so Pepe's utter indifference to the death of people who are anti-IM is indicative only of his being Anti-Anti-IM. Which does not necessarily mean our favorite Pantaloonist is a supporter of IM, but does mean his idiocy is useful to IM.

As for "raping/murdering marine whackos", Le Pew, all of us [JJ, AI, MFT, myself] have condemned any US soldiers who have committed such crimes. Although your assumption of otherwise shows not only that you don't read very carefully, it also shows you assume that we are the same sort of blithering hypocrites whose golden standard you have set. And that is an assumption only the narcissistic cretins of Versailles could make.
What I did say, and the others can speak for themselves, is [a] admit that such crimes were horrible and demanding justice [b] note that such justice was being consitently carried out, and [c] point out the obvious, if only Pepe actually cared about silly things like evidence and reality, that the number of such crimes, over three years and among many hundreds of thousands of soldiers passing through, was extraordinarily low. And not just by the standards of warfare in general, but by civilian standards in the West.
Does Pepe care to compare the rate of rape or murder carried out by US forces in Iraq to the rate of rape or murder in France? But then those rapist murdering French whackos get a free pass from Pepe, not that it means I believe he supports such actions.