Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Unemployed Locksmith Jimmys Sister

A film and a book are planned about the Stübings, who remain defiant about breaking one of the few remaining sexual taboos in western society.

"Few remaining taboos"? Rich!

Yo, Pepe! The German state will have to get their laws off his body! Whaddaya think?


My Frontier Thesis said...

Hell, European Nobility has been practicing this incest business to maintain -- ahem -- proper blood-lines since time immemorial.

Mr roT said...

That explains the clear thinking prevailing in Europe's upper classes, mft. Oops, I meant to say, "among the intellectual elite".

Mr roT said...

The Romanians seem to be getting into high weirdness too! If you write a book about a monster from our history, monster, we'll let you out of jail.

Tecumseh said...

Kurt Treptow, Romanian? Nein -- sounds like a Krautish name to me.

Mr roT said...

RIF, AI. It's Romanains that let the Dra-culero out of jail.

Tecumseh said...

Whta's RIF? Don't use jargon with me, JJ!

Mr roT said...

reading is fundamental

Tecumseh said...

You don't say so!

Arelcao Akleos said...

Anonymous said...
"I just have two brothers and so far, no one has objected to our threesomes. those krauts are so backwards."

If they are back wards, then why would they object?