Saturday, March 24, 2007

Did gonzi lie?

Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and senior advisers discussed the plan to remove seven United States attorneys at a meeting last Nov. 27, 10 days before the dismissals were carried out, according to a Justice Department calendar entry disclosed Friday.

The previously undisclosed meeting appeared to contradict Mr. Gonzales’s previous statements about his knowledge of the dismissals. He said at a news conference on March 13 that he had not participated in any discussions about the removals, but knew in general that his aides were working on personnel changes involving United States attorneys.


Tecumseh said...

Swell. Yet another manufactured "scandal". Do the leftys have anything else to do in life, besides trying to trip government officials with silly gotcha! games? I bet they don't -- I never saw in my life a pinko actually doing something useful, like turning in a lightbulb, or something, yet alone building a gizmo. All they do is yap, yap, yap, like they Messiah, Karl Marx, taught them to.

Pepe le Pew said...

but, but, ain't that awful mayn laaa to the amayrican payple juss lak dat billy boy dayd?

Pepe le Pew said...

Yet another manufactured "scandal"
of the whitewater or the iran-contra type?

Pepe le Pew said...

This is not about the firings, it's about lying about firing. Surely, you clinton-bashers understand that...

Tecumseh said...

"Lying"? Depends what the definition of lying is. Billy Boy was lying under oath, in front of a grand jury. Gonzalez was just shooting off his mouth about some dinky personnel matters in front of a bunch of journalists. It takes an IQ above room temperature to see the difference.

Pepe le Pew said...

Depends what the definition of lying is.
I love it: it's acceptable for a government official to lie as long as he/she isn't under oath? What an ambitious standard you are setting. Quite a departure from your John Waynian "honor" and "integrity" days you are experiencing when it comes to your fellow republicans, are you?

Tecumseh said...

Depends about what he's "lying" about: not being candid about why and how he dismissed some people is not something I condone, but hey, it happens all the time, everywhere. If bosses were to go to jail for this, Ft. Leavenworth would be chock full of them. At any rate, I'm sure you don't give a rat's ass about clean government, or how well American Democracy functions, or the well being of this country -- you made it abundantly clear dozens of time you simply despise and hate all things American. So your snide comments carry no weight -- it's akin to Ahmadinejad or Kim Jong-il bitchng about the supposed evils of the Great Satan. Just background noise.

Pepe le Pew said...

At any rate, I'm sure you don't give a rat's ass about clean government, or how well American Democracy functions, or the well being of this country
Now, that is one sophisticated observation, ai. Is it based on the "pinko-lefty=yearns for american destruction" premise?

you made it abundantly clear dozens of time you simply despise and hate all things American
Me hate americans? I love'em! Especially stuffed and in a sweet wine sauce.

Pepe le Pew said...

Here's a good recipe

Pepe le Pew said...

not being candid about why and how he dismissed some people is not something I condone, but hey, it happens all the time, everywhere
running around on one's wife is not something I condone, but hey, it happens all the time, everywhere