Friday, March 30, 2007

Drum at rest hit along r=1/2


Arelcao Akleos said...

hmmm, let us hope you didn't take the article on Phallicies to heart, JJ.

My Frontier Thesis said...

JJ, now you get to explain this in humanities lingo to mft. As an amateur drummer and percussionist, this "Drum at rest" has grabbed my attention.

What's going on now?

Pepe le Pew said...

You did this with Mathematica, right? I took numerical analysis on it years back. Neat to play with but no code is less maintainable.
One nice application was the inversion of a 19x19 matrix in closed form (ie, non numerical) for the cubic b-spline parametrization of the radial component of an earth model for my thesis. Could have never done this with pen & paper.

Mr roT said...

what do you mean maintainable? you're right that it's a hell of a lot of fun. doing lots of projects with it now. just that pde seem always most picturesque.
you have some nice doc'd code for me? i was thinking of setting up a site.

Mr roT said...

19 X 19 i do in my head, schmuck

Pepe le Pew said...

what do you mean maintainable?

code that is readily tweakable. Im Mathematica, it is usually easier to rewrite code than maintaining it. For instance, nested if-then-else statements (if i recall were all commas) are the computing equivalent of a messy abortion, coat hanger and all. Compare this with C or Java, with nicely indented code that you can read like a book (and readily modify).

you have some nice doc'd code for me? i was thinking of setting up a site.
No idea where it would be.

Mr roT said...

I see what you mean. Do[expr[i,j], {i,0,NN},{j,0,MM}]makes sense and you have zero chance of ever reading it again.