Friday, March 23, 2007

Time to call the flyboys?

I'd say it's way past time. Roll in the carpet.


My Frontier Thesis said...

Sounds like Iran is trying to save face with this little maneuver.

Mr roT said...

That's twice at least now that the Brits have gotten collared by the mullahs' military minions. They lose their gps or are they sneaky-peting into Iran? Also, why not shoot your way out of that?

Tecumseh said...

Those operetta soldiers only carried sidearms! So when Pepe's friends showed up with some big Molotov cocktails in hand, they meekly surrendered, in the grand old Frenchy-Lefty tradition.

Time to send in the pros. And, please, please, do it from the air. Forget about humvees and dinghy boats -- we need some bigger hardware in there. Paging Coanda.

Pepe le Pew said...

could this be the excuse y'all have been desperately waiting for?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Pepe, I need no stinking excuses. I am a Neocon...Preemptive action against Iran three years ago is what I've been waiting for [before they could be so instrumental in fucking up Iraq] . Bush and Blair are now three plus years down the road of indecision and confusion, it is a Tradition, and they are each traditionalists in their own way. Expect bluff and bluster and blah blah blah.....and then a quiet skulking off in fine Pepean fashion

Tecumseh said...

Alas. AA has a point here. If B&B start acting like Pepe on a bad hair day, we're fooked, my friends. Totally.

Pepe le Pew said...

Pepe, I need no stinking excuses. I am a Neocon
Exactly. And now that your sorry lot has been pretty much universally discredited, you will need excuses. You can fantasize all you want about making "a big glass crater out of the fucking middle east", but it'll take a bit more than the kidnapping of a couple of britts to convince this congress to get you there.

Pepe le Pew said...

AA has a point here
still in your cheerleader outfit, ai? i hope you brought your kneepads.

Tecumseh said...

As usual, Pepe pimps for the head-hackers. When the bad guys nab 15 Brits, all he can think is how this can screw Bush, or Blair, or us, or whatever. Look, Pepe, are you for real, or simply a caricature? Your warped act is getting tiresome.

In the meantime, out in the real world, where the lives of 15 British soldiers kidnapped by the dastardly Iranians has some meaning, the situation is tense. But at least we know where the Left stands on this -- the reliable parrot of the Party Line tells us exactly where their heart is: with the enemy.

Pepe le Pew said...

funny to hear you call for bombings left and right and at the same time ask if i am a caricature.

the reliable parrot of the Party Line tells us exactly where their heart is: with the enemy.
don't act surprised: i've always said the world will be better off when the us/uk fail at their effort in iraq.

Pepe le Pew said...

What is really revealing about this thread is the fact that you call for the escalation of what is so far only a minor diplomatic incident. yet, when i call for calm you find that act "tiresome" and find me bent on "screwing bush and blair". Again, you aren't looking beyond any excuse to scratch your warmongering impulses.