Friday, March 23, 2007

A glorious surrender

A sharply divided House voted Friday to order President Bush to bring combat troops home from Iraq next year, a victory for Democrats in an epic war-powers struggle

Surrender to the head hackers=victory? George Orwell would be proud. But that is the "logic" of the Left -- always was, always will.


Pepe le Pew said...

i can't believe we're going to be in this shit for another year and a half.

Arelcao Akleos said...

You, D of PP, are in nothing at all but that Nawlins shit. And it may well be much more than a year and a half.

Pepe le Pew said...

it's not every day that anything sensible comes from you, but for once you are right.

Tecumseh said...

We have thesis, anthitesis, and then synthesis, as dear ole Karlie used to say. W wants to slog it out, Nancy & the cheese-eating surrender monkeys want to throw in the towel sooner rather than later. OK, boys and girls, here's my great synthesis: Slug it out, but hard, and just finish the damn job in a year. If the head-hackers keep hacking heads and blowing things up randomly, just send in the daisy cutters from on high, and turn their hangouts into parking lots. And then get out of there, with heads high. How's that for a solomonic compromise solution, eh?

Arelcao Akleos said...

I like your synthesis, AI. It is what Grant or Sherman would do. That said, Bush has thoroughly proved he ain't no, I'm a pessimist on this happening

Tecumseh said...

I'm curious, though: Why isn't Bush a Lincoln? He had the opportunity, he had the means, all he had to do is just do it, the way he said he's gonna do it. Perhaps people are going to debate this for many years to come, but I wonder what's your take on it. Surely it cannot be the "chimpy" caricature of the Left, or the Halliburton-Cheney-Blood-for-Oil conspiracy theories -- there must be something deeper, and more plausible. I personally am leery to personalize too much the blame (or the credit) in such situations. Though individuals matter, of course, one must also look at the system. Perhaps we're simply paying the price now for the myriad little (or not so little) mistakes we made in the past (surely, for the mistakes made in the 1990s, when the gathering storm was overlooked), and for a generation or two or three gone soft? I wish one could discuss such matters in a more in-depth, analytical fashion than simply one-liners, but that's a hard thing to do in the present political climate...

Pepe le Pew said...

the cheese-eating surrender monkeys want to throw in the towel sooner rather than later
what are you talking about? we were never in that fight.

just send in the daisy cutters
what does this mean?

Tecumseh said...

I include in the above statement all the honorary Parisians. To wit, the Murthas, Pelosis, and assorted local pseudo-Villepins.

It's a kind of a bomb, dropped from a plane.

Mr roT said...

Daisycutter:Ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant.

Pepe le Pew said...

I include in the above statement all the honorary Parisians
I don't think there is enough room in paris to welcome all of the world's the honorary parisians. But there is more than enough in Slidell, LA, for all the neocons. You'll feel right at home, and certainly more so than in Berkeley or Boston: gun shows, confederate flags...