Thursday, October 29, 2009

Heck, why not since Homer?

An FCP GUT to end all GUTs: Barack Obama is the most powerful writer since Julius Caesar.

REGURGE for Tacitus and Thucydides.


Arelcao Akleos said...

Because how many divisions did Homer have?

Mr roT said...

How many ICBMs did JFK have.

I must say that factually this shitbag is correct.

Mr roT said...

OK, so the problem here is not the fact. Rocco is correct that Obama could crush any enemy a million times better than Caesar could. The problem is that Obama's strength has nothing to do with Obama and his significance will be zero, except to racial feel-goodists.

Caesar is important today not only because of today, but because also of millennia of imitations from Charlemagne to HItler to all the other 'uniters' friendly or non.

Being tops militarily helps, but is not the point, as the wag wrote about Nero. He also was the most powerful writer of his time, but that's no honor, though he was probably a better writer than Obama the platitudist.

Tecumseh said...

Mr Rot, when you say, "factually this shitbag is correct", what exactly do you mean? When I read "powerful writer", I understand that as someone who's writings are powerful, a writer that has the power to move the reader. It has got nothing to do (or should not) to how many divisions the writer has (as AA playfully inquires).

Arelcao Akleos said...

I believe, Tecumseh, that the shitbags who sincerely described Obama that way had in mind the play between "Powerful writer" and "Powerful man who also is reputed by some to write on occasion".
Although I could be wrong. After all, those shitbags are not powerful writers.

Mr roT said...


Tecumseh said...

From Commentary article: Fifth, Lincoln never wrote a book. Hah! Trying to argue with a Pepean Logician is pointless. The touchy-feely, "progressive" spirit is what counts.

What is it about Barack Obama that causes such cringe-inducing butt-kissing?

Ask Pepe.

Mr roT said...
