Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kerry to the rescue

Kerry has become one of President Obama’s top advisers on Afghanistan. This goes a long way toward explaining why administration policy is ever more incoherent... Duhhh.

Like many Democrats, Kerry is a self-styled “progressive internationalist.” ... There is no clash of civilizations for progressive internationalists: Western civilization, being the root of all evil, is always negotiable. Ach, so.


Mr roT said...

Kerry is the new proctoconsul, eh?

Well, as I recall, you and AA were pulling hard for him to win the election against W second time around.

Of course, now you guys backpedal and say what you really meant was that you would support Kerry if he picked McCain [sic] as his veep.

That would have saved us a lot of trouble these days, fo sho!

Why don't you two Clausewitzians pony up some VCP?

Tecumseh said...

Your grasp of history -- at least regarding who supported whom during past campaigns -- is tenuous at best, Mr Rot. Will you ever pull out a quote where I ever "pulled" (hard or soft) for J.-F. Kerry? It's time to put up or shuddup. And pop that VCP.

Mr roT said...

When did you stop supporting Democrat appeasers, Tecs?