Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nous sommes tous des pussies

Women of the extinct hominids such as the Neanderthals carried around 10 percent more muscle than modern European men, and with training could have reached 90 percent of the bulk of Arnold Schwarzenegger at his physical prime. Her shorter lower arm would have given her a great advantage in an arm wrestle, and she could easily have slammed his arm to the table. .. The Cro-Magnons, the first anatomically modern Europeans, living around 30-40,000 years ago, were impressively tall (many over 6 feet 6 inches), strong, fit, and with larger brains than humans of today. They had an active lifestyle and an abundant and balanced diet of meats and vegetables.

Pinko food has turned us all into pee-wees.


Mr roT said...

Yeah, but is she hung like Kayla?

Arelcao Akleos said...

This article begs for a pungent pic of puniness, or two.