Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tecs deVoorhees Gingrich takes it on da Chin!

Come an take yer medicine, smart-guy! Powww!!

[Regurge for update. -- Tecs]


Tecumseh said...

I'll let the totally unwarranted ad-hominem attack slide -- a sign of confident maturity. This is good news, but what do Siena or Steele have to do with this? I must confess I did not follow all the twists and turns of the Dede's saga -- what happened?

Tecumseh said...

Is this an M1A1 main battle tank?

Mr roT said...

Newt Anymore!

Hey, you ought to figure out Yahoo Messenger. Even AA knows how to use it, Dr Html.

Mr roT said...

No, it's part of your Yahoo acct if you want. Google's gmail has something like it too.


Tecumseh said...

Sounds complicated. But back to topic: Some Rotten clone picks on Mitt & Huck, in order to pump up Fred & Sarah. Oh, joy. That's the ticket!

Tecumseh said...

Apparatchicks jumping on the bandwagon.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Well, Romney doesn't exude guts, unfortunately, and Huckabee exudes little but dribble. Neither are worthy of being called Shermanesque, shall we say, eh Tecumseh?

If either had been McCain's running mate in 2008, rather than Palin, the clobbering would have been far worse. As Johnny himself has admitted in his few moments of clarity since then.
No, guts is not enough. But in an era of genuine crisis it is necessary, and Romney--whatever he has-- is too much Milquetoast and Massachusetts to Matter from McCain.

Tecumseh said...

I have to give it to Mr Rot -- he was the one who picked up this story, while I was fast asleep at the wheel. For the longest time, it just flew under my radar. But I have some excuses. Mitt & Huck don't. As for Newt, he's dug himself up in a hole with this one, big time.

So OK. All fun and games, but where does this leave us, in the bigger scheme of things? Up mierda creek, or what?

Mr roT said...

Larger scheme of things, we're in deep shit. Hoffman might win, but Scozza's supporters sure ain't going to vote for him in large numbers.

Still, it's better to have a Dem with a 'D' after his name than a Dem with an 'R' there, in some sense.

Mr roT said...

Speaking more to AA's thrashing of Tecs' famously untenable Romney-love, HotAir catalogues reaction to Palin's move.

I don't think she will win anything for a while, but she's calling the shots now, and that's better than Steele and Gingrich.

Mr roT said...


Cautious (very) optimism about this.

Tecumseh said...

Interesting contrast drawn between Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck.

Mr roT said...

Yes. Beck's a loose cannon. Most of the time he produces lefty casualties, but it's not clear they always will be, given the character.

Arelcao Akleos said...

We should beckon Becks onto FCP. A Loose Cannon Prima Inter Pares.