Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hume, I mean Hitchens, Comes to America?

I plan on having a showing of this, with the following demographic in my flat: 1 super Catholic Pittsburgh Pole (w/ Ph.D. in Rhetoric from Duquesne), 1 Organic/Yeoman Farmer (NoDak native, and ABD in Geography from UC-Berkeley), 1 agricultural attorney (U of Minnesota-Twin Cities J.D., Minnesota native), 1 English professor (another NoDak native, ethnic German-from-Russia), and myself.

With an easterner present, there'll be plenty of bourbon shots. And with a Californian present, plenty of fine red wine. With the other three, plenty of beer and ethnic eastern Europa and Scandinavian vodka swilling to temper our comments toward one another. If any FCP'ers can make it, by all means, by all means. We're going to also have a verbal abuse fountain running the entire time. This is the type of dialog that ought to be happening in American University. Sometimes I truly think I should've been born in either Edinburgh, or the British American Colonies, circa 1759. But at least their inspiration lives on. Looks like a damn good documentary from all sides. In addition to the video clips, here is more written exegesis.


Arelcao Akleos said...

Any chance your Chatauqua could travel to visit we who are stuck in the East?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Let me discuss it with our spirited group.