Thursday, October 22, 2009

Kaus twists and confuses himself

REGURGEDATE: Kaus gets pwned by a guy with 1/4 his brain.

Moral: Don't get all twisted in knots and try to be too smart by a half. Sound familiar, Kerry-supporters Tecs and AA?


Tecumseh said...

Twisting himself in knots, in order to shit on Freedom of the Press? Day at the office in Pepeland.

Mr roT said...

Yeah, but Kaus is better than that 99.99% of the time. He;s no believer, but today he's splitting hairs for his side. That's a man bites dog.

Tecumseh said...

No amount of evidence to the contrary will ever convince hard left-wingers that Fox News is the GOP’s propaganda arm. It has become a tenet of their faith, like Dick Cheney's criminality and Rush Limbaugh's racism.

Pinko "logic" in all its absurd idiocy. This is what happens when ideology overtakes thinking processes. One ends up like a blabbering idiot.

Kaus also writes, "Suppose on October 25th, 2008 I'd discovered, without doubt, and with documentation, that Barack Obama cheated on his taxes. Would I publish it? Probably not."

Wow. Finally, a pinko who owes up (well, just a little bit). But Mr Rot thinks he's a genius.

Mr roT said...

Tecs, no one would publish something so important and so lethal to one's point of view.
Some things in life are more important than professionalism.

Tecumseh said...

Perhaps. But this is just a hypothetical -- Kaus is a blogger (or a pundit, whatever), who sucks his thumb and opines, much like we do (OK, OK, at a much shittier level). No way could he have dug up that kind of info in real time. But there are investigative journalists who very well could have -- and it;'s an indictment of the system that sure as hell they would sit on important info if it goes against the widely predominant lefty ideology, but would come down like a ton of bricks if they dug on some dirt on anyone who doesn't toe the Party Line. And, if they can't dig up dirt, just manufacture the whole thing, like Dan Rather did in October 2004 with his "fake but accurate" bullshit.

It's sad.

Mr roT said...

I am not disputing what you say. On the contrary, I agree completely. I just don't think it's so terribly sad. As Kaus himself says, that's part of press freedom.

There all will be a casuistry component in everyone's judgement in a situation like this. It's right, too. One has to balance what's really important in a situation and act accordingly, not like a machine.

Practically, it is very possible that someone like Kaus with hundreds of thousands of page views might be slipped inside information.

You should see what he did when someone in a pinko cabal in the news business sent him a copy of their internal emails. He posted the mother, and he's on their side, politically!

The point that there is a Fox News that will not hesitate to turn the spotlights on the Van Joneses and Dunn's and so on... that's the only safeguard that there can be that the system as a whole is truthful.

The gov't can't go and force people to report all that they know either.

OK, I got off the track, but my larger point is that this is fine and it has always been. There's no "it's sad" about it any more than it's sad that some people are less honest than others.

Arelcao Akleos said...

It's sad that some people are less honest than others.