Monday, October 26, 2009

You must eat tofu!

T-bone steak is so wignut Neanderthal.


Tecumseh said...

[Pinko lord] said that he was deeply concerned that popular opinion had so far failed to grasp the scale of the changes needed to address climate change, or of the importance of the UN meeting in Copenhagen from December 7 to December 18. “I am not sure that people fully understand what we are talking about or the kind of changes that will be necessary,” he added.

But we do, we do. Only too well.

Tecumseh said...

No more Big Macs in Iceland. Rats! How about Palau, do they have burgers there?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Palau Binnie Boy Burger is running strong. The local jihadis gather there for warm fuzzies and cold fries.
As for Iceland, I smell a commie rattson.

Mr roT said...

Tecs, busted link...

Tecumseh said...

It's not my fault -- it's yahoo's.

Mr roT said...

Blame the Yahoos. Typical Harvard dude.

My Frontier Thesis said...

I've been blasting hungarian partridges, doves, and pheasant on the northern Plains to save the planet. Primarily with one of these. I'm planning on bagging a few more rooster pheasant (legally one can, in North Dakota, take 3/day, and have no more than 12 in the freezer) for a Thanksgiving feed.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Ah, Storger Inc. of Accocreek, Maryland.
That's a damn fine firestick there.