Sunday, October 25, 2009

Tarara Boom Die-Eh! They've Read the BarryObameter

....and it tells them that now is the time to unleash the storm.

We have more than a weak man in office, we have a man who is the nation's enemy. How did that old sea chanty go. "From Sunni to Shia they're Laughing With Glee"?

What Petraeus and Bush fashioned, the indifference [or is it malice?] of Hussein can tear asunder. Quicktime.


Mr roT said...

When I see the words "Shia" and "Sunni" and "United", I think British Airways...

Mr roT said...

Tom Friedman back to W:

This next step is particularly important, which is why we cannot let Afghanistan distract U.S. diplomats from Iraq. Remember: Transform Iraq and it will impact the whole Arab-Muslim world. Change Afghanistan and you just change Afghanistan.

Tecumseh said...

I don't get. I thought it's a matter of pinko dogma that Iraq was a "distraction" from Afghanistan. Que pasa?

Mr roT said...

Hey, maybe it's a two-war monte!!