Saturday, October 24, 2009

Republicans doing as they're told


Arelcao Akleos said...

Yeah, Obama claiming that "Republicans do as they are told and Democrats think for themselves" was one rich slice of deliberate political irony.
Right up there with an East German "Democratic Republic", a UN "Commission on Human Rights", a US-N.K "Negotiation Process", an Obama "Nobel Peace Prize", a preSoviet labeling of the Bol- and the Men- as the Men- and the Bol-.
The Republicans are starting to have that necessary internal engagement to see whether Rino/Jeffreyists or Teabag/Palinists [for want of better terms--after all "Rockefeller" vs "Reagan" is now of long ago] will lead the party on the national stage.
This is very good. For then, if the Jeffreyists win out, I can plan for my tombstone on Pitcairn; and if the Palinists win out I can prepare for the battle on the ramparts to come.
Flee or Fight, this dog has gotta make a decision.

Mr roT said...

The republicans are so screwed that they're having to invent. This is a good thing. Comically, the Dems don't seem to sense the need.

That's not for the Good, but that the Reps are improvising is very good.

The big tent's empty.

Mr roT said...


This nonsensical argument is so prevalent among republican establishment people that it is becoming dangerous. Newt Gingrich and the RNC support the liberal Republican in NY because it is better to have any republican than to have a dem. They never learn. That's why I give nothing to the RNC. I only give to the Club for Growth. Rubio is a Club candidate.It is also why I am finished with Newt. Let Newt be a pundit and nevermore a candidate.
Lou Dobbs had on the luscious Jeri Thompson, wife of the candidate for president. She was great. I hope she runs for congress someday. Dobbs spent the whole interview trying to corner her to admit that supporting the conservative in NY means that she would rather see a dem win than the liberal rep. She ducked the answer and I think she was right to. But what was he doing? Why didn't he let her promote the conservative? Everyone assumes Hoffman will not win. Even if he loses this time, he will not the next time and, yes, I would rather have the dem win than the liberal rep. There, I said it. Let the left dems get all of the blame for the mess we are in.

Tecumseh said...

This reminds me of when Bush & co lined up behind Specter against Toomey in the primaries a few years back -- almost exactly the same rationale as Newt's lame excuses now. So what good this do? Did it prevent Specter from going full hog pinko, and stabbing in the back those who supported him against a much more deserving candidate? Of course not.

Arelcao Akleos said...

the bull in texas has long horns.
Bush did some things well [reacted with the right instincts to hit back hard after 911; understood that simply forcing al qaeda out of its seat of power in Afghanistan was just the start, not the end, of what had to be done; eventually wised up and okayed the Petraeus plan].
After that.....
Yes, current events are proof of much. They are, for instance, proof of how far the ideology of the hard left has assumed control of the "elites' of this country. They are also proof of the extent Islamic money and alliances with institutions in this country has eaten away at our ability to honestly face what we confront after 911. They are proof of much else which at this moment I'm too sick of, too tired with, to dig through without a bar and a 1,000 dollar gift tab.
But proof of Bush having done the right thing on almost all counts? Not all the yellow roses of texas could grind their way to that one.

Mr roT said...

You wish you'd get a grind at the Yellow Rose, you bacalhau-scarfing shitbag Kerry-supporter.

I do like the concept of the $1000 gift tab at a bar. At the Yellow Rose, we'd be out of money in one evening, if experience is a good indicator. At JHBH we could make it last a couple.

Ah, for the good old days. Beer, carefree drudgeries, blue-sky existence and good grocery stores.

All gone.

Mr roT said...

... eventually wised up and okayed the Petraeus plan

Retardunditry! Do you realize that W had almost all the fucking military brass against him on that? All those Clinton-appointee shitbag Murtha-equivalent admirals (from South Texas too!) were pulling for a massive chickening-out.

Approving the Petraeus plan puts the thing upside down. W went and found a general that had the right plan and put him in charge over the heads of the shitbag brass that would have loved to come back to their deskjobs in the same shining glory as they did after Vietnam.

The taste of pinko spit must be sweet!

Arelcao Akleos said...

The Petraeus group had been pushing for that plan since 2004, and had been working on developing that plan since before the Iraq invasion. This while some of his chief men, such as Colonel McMaster, were still stationed in Germany.
Bush had to run through his McLellans and Hoods before he finally wised up that the "main command" were failing big time.
Kudos to him for finally wising up, as there are plenty of cases were the guy in charge never wises up [hence why I slot that as one of his successes], but it sure would have been nice if it didn't take desperation to get him to do the right thing.

Mr roT said...

Agreed, I suppose, but I think it extraordinary, near heroic, that a pres with very little military experience would challenge nearly all the military higher-ups and be right, digging past them to the guy that could do the job.

Imagine Reagan doing that!