Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mad Men and the Syphilia of Crowds

"The problem, for the “common people,” with the sometimes arduous task of living under unhinged rulers, or with the conditions of life they create, is broader than can ever first appear. The lust for power itself is a moral failing, a beginning to madness. And when it grows gigantic, in relation to the size of the man, and makes connections with “the madness of crowds,” usually by means of hypnotic slogans — then we “progress” towards inevitable catastrophe"

[Bump up for more comments. This is an important find by AA, which just flew by me before. -- Tecs]


Tecumseh said...

Wow! That's an interesting fact about Vladimir Ilyich, the pater patriae of Pepea. I long heard rumors of Lenin's disease that led to his premature death, but this is the first time I see the "syphilis of the brain" diagnosis confirmed. Goes some ways to explain Pepean logic.

Mr roT said...

Nice job of bumping up! This gonna be #1 till Thursday?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Pepe better get his meds

Tecumseh said...

An older article on this subject:
Eight decades after his death, his corpse still lies in state outside the Kremlin. In some circles, reverence clings to his name.

Pepe clings to Lenin's mad theories like ticks cling to dogs.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Ah, those aristo bloodsuckers. Too bad the spirit of Versailles won out over the spirit of '76.

Mr roT said...

Spirit of 1976! When Carter got elected...

Arelcao Akleos said...

Had another '76 in mind.
But it don't matter now, we are all deep '6 ed.