Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Curt Schilling gaffe as a Ceausescu balcony moment?


Tecumseh said...

Dean draws the logical conclusion: full speed ahead, damn the torpedoes. Pepean logic at work.

Tecumseh said...

That's the spirit: Rep. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, head of the House Democrats' campaign effort, said Coakley's loss won't deter his colleagues from continuing to blame the previous administration. "President George W. Bush and House Republicans drove our economy into a ditch and tried to run away from the accident," he said.

Mr roT said...

Many people my age, and I am older than I care to admit, have never lived in a time when a Kennedy has not occupied this seat and given the power of the Kennedys and the Democratic machine, we never thought we would . . .

Errr, hey guy. Kennedy's been gone for a few months. Also, you still have Kerry, which is even worse.

Tecumseh said...

Kirk (Kennedy's seat-warmer) is a clone. As for Kerry -- one step at a time.