Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Et tu, Brute?

Barney sees the writing on the wall. While Weiner says: [when] 'pigs fly out of my ass'.


Tecumseh said...

Counterpoint. Pelosi says--damn the torpedoes:

"Massachusetts has health care and so the rest of the country would like to have that too. So we don't [think] a state that already has health care should determine whether the rest of the country should."

There aren't any hospitals outside Massachusetts? Pepean logic is getting more and more obtuse.

Mr roT said...

Pelosi makes perfect sense. Mass already has pinkocare, why would they want to pay for theirs in state taxes AND their part of the Fed pinkocare?

Still, though that certainly had something to do with some of Brown's votes, there's a bigger argument around.

Tecumseh said...

Look, what I'm strenuously objecting to is the conceit -- explicitly voiced by Pelosi -- that "there is no health care" in the US (or outside MA, whatever). This is the most patently absurd statement that one can conceive of. I mean, Herr Rot, if you don't see the rank absurdity of such a statement (I mean, what's next, "there is no food outside Massachusetts"?), it means you succumbed to the siren song of Pepean Logic.