Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Fargo is Over the Hemp

If in six months or so we see MFT flashing his bling-bling down the mean streets of Fargo, we'll know which "farmer" is behind all this


My Frontier Thesis said...

The DEA has been paranoid about hemp for much too long. I heard somewhere that George Washington raised the stuff himself. It's great for making ropes and clothing too.

Arelcao Akleos said...

And great, when spliced, lit, and smoked, for making life dreamy in those long boring stretches of keel-hauling and bow-caulking between white whales for the catching.
Or at least that's what Melville said, the pot-head

My Frontier Thesis said...

The hemp the farmers wanna grow is of the non-Melville variety. George Washington raised the stuff too, at least so I've heard.

I've never smoked the funny cigarettes in my life, but I have absolutely no problem with someone enjoying the stuff in their own abode. The poison (booze) I ingest just happens to be approved by the government (for now anyhow).