Thursday, February 01, 2007

Good Old Reliable Red Star

So they don't want you to know who is the rambunctious "Youth" who turns his car into a an instrument of "Kill, Kill, Die, Die" ???? But , it is a "Youth", a stinking raise his ass to fart at you know Who kind of "Youth". All you need to know.. Except you must be told that Mama loves him, and thinks he's "mentally ill". Sure, he is. Ill Like Atta. The Pattern of Youthful Follies is becoming predictable. The "mentally ill" should sue for a more imaginative screenwriter.


Anonymous said...

Lemme get this straight: this person isn't mentally ill and his actions warrant a comparison with atta. no wonder exhortations to holly war in the suburbs of Birmingham, UK cause widespread panic on this board.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Anonymous the JJ, every man who decides to kill his fellow man for Allah is not "mentally ill". Given the fulsome track record of individual Muslims in this country suddenly "going on mentally ill while driving into kufr", [there have been at least 6 incidents like this in the last couple of years,JJ, all with nice quiet Good Muslim Youth], as honored in their mosques as they are excused and then forgotten as rapidly as possible by apologists and the dhimm outside of Islam, it is peculiar, to put it mildly, to make it the one sacred principle of newspapering to hide the man's name. Particularly, as even cursory tracking of what has been going on in the Twin Cities, tells you that the mosques there are as close to Birmingham, England, as seen so far in this country. A "Youth" he may be, but a youth, a victim of neurochemistry, he is not.
As for Anonymous the Pepe, to the extent his jumble was an attempt to speak coherently is to the extent he has dishonored his lucidly Vichy ancestors. At least they were clear in expressing the concept.
It is not clear, at all, if Pepe's assertion is that this one of a long line of jihadi minded "Youth" who are unfairly being judged mentally ill, or one of that long line unfairly judged not mentally ill. Although one suspects Pepe the Anonymous would choose the option that excuses the most and looks honestly at Islam the least.
It is not clear if Pepe believes that comparisons require a warrant [the PC Police make money for licensing comparisons?].Or that comparisons with Mohammed Atta are not warranted [what would that mean? I can't compare my height with Basketball Ming? You can't compare your cojones with John Holmes? Look up the word "compare", Pepe. Then compare it with what you seem to be saying about "compare"].Or that to claim the Minnesota jihad chump wasn't mentally ill, together with comparisons with atta, are the causative agent behind "widespread panic on this board"? Or that not wishing to pretend Jihadi Spirit ain't thriving among Good Muslims in Minnesota is what illuminated your once beclouded wit into clarity as to Birmingham, England being the causative agent of that "wponb"? Or is it that exhortations are what cause "wponnb"? Or are you claiming that the person isn't mentally ill, and so comparison with Atta is "unwarranted"? Implying that Atta was mentally ill? Or are you claiming the case with their membership in the mentally ill class reversed? .....
Whatever your garbled Holly writ was intended to convey, evidence of "getting it straight" was not what it succeeded in conveying.

Anonymous said...

atta, petain,... i for one will give you the benefit of the doubt you aren't giving this equally confused fellow and assume you are a victim of neurochemistry.

Arelcao Akleos said...

ho hum, if you can't offer dribble as a counterpoint then what's the point in being "Anonymous"?

Anonymous said...

in all honesty i seldom read your posts. for this one, i stopped at your adolescent thousandth reference to petain: i am sure you find it very clever, but i can't imagine who else would.

Arelcao Akleos said...

In all honesty? As if honesty is a commodity so rare with you that it must be heralded as if a Versaillian has deigned to speak to peasants? Uh huh
As for your not reading posts, I am shocked shocked shocked. As if the evidence of your written word had made that a subtle point.
You can take the boyz out of Paree, but apparently you can't take the Pare out of the boyz

Anonymous said...

if you aren't shocked, why go through the trouble of these impossibly fatuous and long winded tirades?
You might just as well stay in your underground bunker until the Muslim bomb drops and curse the slew of purse-snatching "mohammed atta wannabes" on the 6 o'clock news.

Arelcao Akleos said...

How do you know they are fatuous if you don't read? How do you know shocked means not shocked? And how do you know they are tirades if you never engage whateve wit ironic mirror gazing has left you with to read, and think over the reasons given?
You don't.
Posturing and the symbolic gesture at the cock-tail party suffices in your mind.
Too bad for you it isn't so easy to make that work as a long-running policy when no one can see just how insouciantly you let body pose replace reason.
Don't worry, in the Big Sleazy you will always be in your element