Monday, February 19, 2007

Il lago del diablo

Shockingly, there are multiple locations in the United States with the name "Devil's Lake." A very heated war broke out here regarding which one should be featured, whether a disambig page was needed, even over the usage of the apostrophe- eventually literally degenerating into "my lake is better than yours!"


My Frontier Thesis said...

If you see trash carp, kill 'em. They taste awful too. The walleye, northern pike, and freshwater salmon (to name a few) are wonderful. The real cold, freshwater environment makes 'em so tasty.

What the heck brought you to Devil's Lake, N.D., AI?

Tecumseh said...

Just poking around wikipedia, where apparently it created a bit of a stir. You ever been to Devil's Lake?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Yup, I don't do much fishin' (maybe once every three years), but I've been to Devil's Lake and the reservation mentioned in wikipedia a couple times. It starts gettin' real flat in that eastern part of the state. If ever presented with a choice, opt for Lake Sakakawea, the Missouri River, and the Little Missouri that winds through the badlands of western North Dakota.