Friday, February 02, 2007

Krauthammers Zaka


Arelcao Akleos said...

I don't get the reference, JJ. What is "Zaka"??

Tecumseh said...

Fareed Zakaria, perhaps? C'mon, AA, you had me translate 30 badly mangled name back from pinyin, and you can't figure out JJ's ellipsis? Tsk, tsk, man, you're slippin. Not enough vinho verde, I bet!

We have made a lot of mistakes in Iraq. But when Arabs kill Arabs and Shiites kill Shiites and Sunnis kill all in a spasm of violence that is blind and furious and has roots in hatreds born long before America was even a republic, to place the blame on the one player, the one country, the one military that has done more than any other to try to separate the combatants and bring conciliation is simply perverse.

For sure. Standard m.o. for the blame-America-first crowd. What else to expect?

Arelcao Akleos said...

I do need vinho verde, Badly.
Its no excuse, but the explanation is that I've grown to calling him Fard. As in brainfard. Hoisted by my own neologism

Mr roT said...

Zaka is certainly a fard.

Tecumseh said...

From Faro, or Fargo?