Saturday, February 17, 2007

Royal rulz!

Actually, I agree with Royal on this one: why would the French even attempt at buiding an aircracft carrier? We all know that they wouldn't even be able to operate it properly (look what happened last time they tried), and, if push came to shove (even if attacked by a dinghy), they would promptly surrender. So, OK, just hand out the money to the rubes, buy some votes from the Nanny State addicts, and get it over with, already: I'm waiting for my jeroboam of VCP from JJ.


Mr roT said...

Who in the hell would bulild a warship jointly with a foreign country anyway? They would be able to use it only on missions their respective governments agreed on. In this case, it would be a real mess because entente cordiale or no, these guys do not like each other too much and don't speak each others' languages.
Good for Royal. This was a stupid idea from the beginning. It was more likely started as a giant corporate welfare scam with an added cherry of cooperation with the Brits. That it had anything to do with defense is ludicrous.

Tecumseh said...

So, JJ, where's my VCP?

Mr roT said...

You get a bottle of champagne because some eurowatery tart agrees with you?

Tecumseh said...

Not for that -- but because you put your money on Sarko, and I put it on her. Not because I like her, of course -- Sarko is much, much better -- but because I'm a realist, not an idealist like you. Also, because I could use a free bottle of fizzly. So, when are you gonna pony up, eh?

My Frontier Thesis said...

France has a navy?

Mr roT said...

Mais oui.