Friday, February 02, 2007

Uncle MFT...

Minor digression from the free abuse: yesterday, Feb. 1st, I received a voice message after getting out of all-afternoon meetings. My sister informed me that one of the newest contributions to Western Civilization was born that afternoon, about 12:35pm (pacific time). I was instantaneously bestowed the anticipated title of "Uncle." My niece is doin' great. That's all. Carry on.



Arelcao Akleos said...

Congratulations, MFT! I remember when I first became an Uncle Tom, it felt grand having a cabin of me own, a place a niece or nephew could come and laugh at my suddenly doddering self [that is the primary function of uncles, MFT. You've been warned]. Enjoy a fine beverage, and send me the tab!
Name of the little 'un?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Check your e-mail for details...

Mr roT said...

God bless.

Anonymous said...

all the benefits of being a parent and none of the drawbacks - congrats: it doesn't get any better!

My Frontier Thesis said...

Thanks JJ and Pepe. I gotta give my bro-in-law a call today.

Tecumseh said...

God bless the little one.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Thanks too, AI. She's doin' great.