Saturday, February 03, 2007

We Know Which Face Pepe's Gonna Believer


My Frontier Thesis said...

Now I can't post new blogs, as forced me to upgrade. WTF?

This sucks (the upgrade). Here's to progress.


Anonymous said...

I am also amused at the deranged state of mind that one has to be in to go rummage through archives of nearly five years ago in a desperate attempt at finding concurring opinions. Dig deep enough and there's always data to fit your theory.

Arelcao Akleos said...


derangement there is, and his Name is Pepe.
First, the article was just posted. The man, being somewhat older than 5, it should not come as a major surprise, even to Pepe the Sgt Schulz of France, that he might have had published thoughts on the Islamicizationo of Europe 5, 10, 15 years ago. Pathetic,Pepe.
Second, one doesn't need to rummage around. No need to, say, look for a school teacher in a provincial France to get inside perspectives on all this. It is upfront and in your face each and every day. It comes to you , Pepe, and if you raised your head once in a while from narcissistic dreams, rubbed the debris from the opium of your mass of one from the brain, you would see that it surrounds you. Rummage? Pathetic, Pepe
Third, you think the guy is a fearmongering latter day jew-hating Nazi from ultra-right wing think tanks? Because of any evidence from his career and his life? Or because he points out that, as a Muslim, he knows from experience that when Good Muslims invoke the legitimacy of jahwah in their dealing with kufr that they do so with full knowledge that this has been long practiced traditional Islam? That is what makes a cog in that evil vast right wing conspiracy. You are beyond Pathetic, Pepe. You are a liar or an utter fool. Of course, you may be both.
So you choose blindness? Deliberately invoke the "right" to refuse to know? Absolutely you have that choice. But then there is absolutely nothing more to say to you. Nor does anything you say, drivel born of a Versaillian "concern" for knowledge and the long term and the long past that made Versaille even possible, now count. Even you would hesitate to buy your prostitute's from a pimp who is blind to Aids among his whores and invokes the "right" to refuse to know what sickness they will give you.
Finally, to that "mercifully" last line, that is the most Pathetic of all, Pepe.
You are happy that Yanks and other kufr can be dissuaded from taking what Islam Militant says and does seriously??? That is the issue at stake here? If Reality was a bitch you cared about at all, it would would be Muslims you would be happy about being dissuaded from taking Islam Militant seriously. But the harsh Reality on that side gives no room for your clinging to the puerile left wing pap you supped on when a laddy.
If you think American opinion, and not Islamic thought, is the problem. Then you have proved yourself an Ass beyond any Law.
I met you once, Charles, although you don't remember. What seemed like run of the mill Franconic vanity in those days, benign enough if mere facade, is now a ruling madness.
Go, and watch your country die. You should be there to enjoy it all in your approaching dotage.