Saturday, March 03, 2007

God! Who wrote this?!?


My Frontier Thesis said...

I'm still amazed that someone can sit in office for 47 years and the majority of the political left wouldn't regard that as dictatorial or tyrranical. Friggin' incredible.

Tecumseh said...

Are they practicing his obit? Generalissimo Franco is still dead -- should we have a new label?

Tecumseh said...

As for the friggin Left: as J.-P. Sartre (a notorious Stalinist fellow-traveler) once said, pas d'ennemi a Gauche. Loosely translated from the French, you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Pepe HAS been quiet for a few days. A Nawlins scribe needs his time, and wine, and etoufee, to pen by candlelight his Opus Fidelis

My Frontier Thesis said...

I hope he's okay after reading about those Alabama tornados. A March Lion slammed us here with wind and snow in northern Dakota -- liberals cry for the city snow plows while Republicans dig themselves out while Libertarians watch it all by cracking another beer and waiting for the warmth.

Mr roT said...

Pepe has been quiet since W went to N O. Probably he's in Gitmo now.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Now he can be closer to Castro in his final days and hours.

Mr roT said...

You OK Pepe? Jesus, that sounds serious. Meningitis? Gimme a call.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Pepe, hope that the infection is eradicated. Was it bacterial or viral? In any case, get better and enjoy the embrace of Sister Morphine. After all, we need you at your Hunter Thompson best to keep the mad craziness of we loose cannons in top form. Which is why you may be reassured it is pure kapitalist self-interest, without hint of human compassion, that leads be to bid you a quick return to health, happiness, and Nawlin ho-ery.

My Frontier Thesis said...

PEPE!!! Great to have you back. I thought you might have gotten caught in one of those damned Alabama tornados. Glad to hear you're recovering from the cerebrium infection. Sounds awful, but congrats on the opiate score.


Tecumseh said...

Hey, Pepe, take advantage of that kapitalist health care system, and, if you get better--and you should, c'mon, what's a little headache?--meditate on how (warts and all) it differs from the Fidelian commie paradise. And, if you don't believe me, just say bah bye to your doctors in NO and head for the beaches of Habana. That will do wonders, I assure you.

Mr roT said...

Pep, don't pay any attention to AI. Ideological purists kick when you're down. Get well, my friend. I sent you my phone number via email. I don't know yours. Call when you feel up to it.