Friday, March 02, 2007

The Long Arm of the Bush-Neocon Cabal

Why let Nature be explained by natural causes when there are Fascists to bash?


Tecumseh said...

And money to be made? Have you guys read about how Al Gore is making out like a bandit with all his dire warnings of impeding planetary doom?

Mr roT said...

Where's my goddamn VCP.

My Frontier Thesis said...

JJ, there's more important things to worry about like cohabitation laws than some silly VCP. Priorities!

Somewhat related to this Neocon Cabal, last evening an archaeologist and I were swilling tall Redhook's downtown, and a couple took a seat to our left at the bar. We struck up a conversation, and talked a bit about our (gag) alma maters. The wife of the two said she, ahem, "attended Macalester in St. Paul. Do you know where that is?" I responded with, "AhHHHhh, yes: Mac-Lackluster! I know about it. Right across from Dunn Brothers coffee in St. Paul... about five years ago that institution convinced a friend of mine to move to Mongolia and become a drunken nihilist..."

I don't think she appreciated my re-interpretation.

Arelcao Akleos said...

MFT, as one who has gratuitously yet justly alienated many a self-satisfied twit I commend both the style and substance of your comment...
That said, you know well that I am barely living proof payback is a MF [and no T]. So keep up the good work, but continue to keep it up only with strangers from Smugville

My Frontier Thesis said...

AA, sound advice, which of course is why that kind of talk is reserved for bars.

Those of us who have been trained by State Institutions like to get in any and every shot we can towards the Private lots. She asked where I went to school, and I simply said, "the 'u'" before taking another long swill of my beer and looking forward. Her response, "The 'U'?" My reply, "Yeah, the U of Minnesota... you familiar? (while grinning)"

Arelcao Akleos said...

That must have been fun, MFT. Wish I'd been there

My Frontier Thesis said...

Yes, it was a true FCP moment.