Thursday, March 01, 2007

When the Feces Hit the Oscillating Device...

...he handled it the way a mayor was supposed to. Let's give him a shot as our CIC.


Mr roT said...

Flash in the pan saith AI.

My Frontier Thesis said...

As with any of the candidates, we'll have to just wait and see.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Given the lack lustre "lions" slouching their way to Washgotha, Mayor G. certainly shines in comparison. Certainly, in the heart of 911, he proved himself in a way no other political figure did. Yeah, I wonder how his health is and how he will hold up through a campaign. Yeah, I wonder about how much we can infer about a man as potential president from his days as a Mayor. But then I look at the sorry mess that constitutes the majority of those vying for the gig, and wonder who could I possibly support other than the Mayor? As of today, he strikes me as the best of the lot.

My Frontier Thesis said...

G. didn't back down when it came to checking the mafia. And as you mentioned, AA, he had backbone like no other during and in the aftermath of the Twin Tower collapse (listen close, you can hear Pepe cheer).

I'm tired of voting for the Establishment. I don't know what his family past is, but G. strikes me as capable in that he has handled his attorney and gubernatorial duties well. Didn't the mayor of Mexico City also hire G. as a consultant for cleaning up Mexico's capital some time ago?