Sunday, January 27, 2008

Beat by a chimp!

Ah, but what does he know about Gaussian distribution?


Arelcao Akleos said...

Ah, but, AI, an article on this famous Chimp test was posted by one AA back when he was still on the Left Coast. It was the day "Chimpion du Jour" had the honor of joining our list of tags.
It seems a Chimp would have remembered this [or does a month later not count as "short term memory"?]

Tecumseh said...

You mean, this post? Yes, I had a vague recollection of it, but are you sure it was the exact same story? The link you put there is deader than a door nail now. Maybe it was just about the chimp beating some college students -- big deal! -- whereas now he beat a pro. Hah! Powww!! Where is my raki?

Arelcao Akleos said...

The EXACT same story? Mon Dieu, mais non. I suspect my story was written by a non BBC source, and may even had had some journalistic cred. My story also had gaggles of charmingly humiliated college students, whereas yours has just one lonely guy who has met his "Deep Blue" in Chimp garb.
We both had "Chimp trumps Chump". But you had Uber-Chump and mine were more prole. I confess your point.
Now, what in the world is "raki"?

Tecumseh said...

Raki, of course, is some kind of Turkish ouzo. In Romanian, it's known as "rachiu", and it's simply a low-grade brandy, very rough -- kind of stuff hobos drink on a cold winter night, to stay warm.