Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Clearheaded NRO writer


Tecumseh said...

Already posted (4th comment). JJ, JJ, that U-shaped curve is still going downhill. You gotta wait till 50 before it turns back up. In the meantime, where is my Roed?

Mr roT said...

Oops, but let's call it even (if you look at the credits). BTW, your gloating over Giuliani's loss is further over the top than the AP's. You some kind of Ted Rall troll on ths board? We Texans don' go in for that much...

Arelcao Akleos said...

50? The U come to the rescue? Glory be, only 2 more years of these endless dark woods.

Tecumseh said...

Who is Ted Rall? And why do you say I was gloating over Giuliani's loss? I was just crowing over my superior political acumen in predicting he's gonna run a poor campaign. I never really criticized his positions (though I didn't agree with several), just his lack of internal fortitude, and campaigning ability. That's all.

Mr roT said...

Internal fortitude? He went to ground zero when crap was still flying around? You didn't get on an airplane till a couple weeks ago and only after Huckabee told you you'd go to Heaven if Mohammed blew you up! Oh, so that's where you and Rudy differed...

Mr roT said...

Ted Rall.