Sunday, January 27, 2008

How 'bout that

Mitt is on a roll!


Mr roT said...

Romney's hair of course puts him in the Log Cabin Republican's camp just as Edwards' makes him the dream date of San Francisco. Seems your 'beaten by a chimp' title is more apt here...

Mr roT said...

Another big endorsement here. Let's hope it works!

Tecumseh said...

Do these endorsements actually sway anyone (except perhaps Oprah endorsing Obama, which I heard was somewhat of a big deal)?

Seriously though, how about McCain as SecDef &/or Sec State and Mitt as Sec Treasury? Both would be very good at respective jobs, I think. But, alas, we need a Pres. What to do?

Tecumseh said...

While at it, what do you guys make of the Huckster's latest strategy? Looks to me he's on the ropes now, so he's sucking up to McCain (while playing interference against Mitt), perhaps angling for an AG job down the line?

Mr roT said...

Huckabee needs to go back to preachin church. I'd me happy with pres McCain. I think Romney really would be a good veep a la Quayle.

Tecumseh said...

C'mon, JJ, there's no comparison between Quayle and Mitt. OK, so you don't like him, fine, but try to be fair. The guy got two degrees from Hahvahd, for Chrissakes -- so OK, it doesn't mean as much as it used to, but still.

At any rate, the latest Floriduh polls are extremely tight, though Rasmussen has Romney by up 6 points. We'll see.