Sunday, January 27, 2008

I Love Texas


Tecumseh said...

Vermont sucks. Now, if Texas was as cool in the summer as up there, you'd have a point, JJ.

Tecumseh said...

Well, then, how about this Texas story? Stealing the crown of a Greek-Orthodox ex-marine? C'mon, JJ, this is chickenshit, and it stinks. Much as Vermont sucks, I kind of think this wouldn't happen up there, in all fairness.

Mr roT said...

And we pee on korans too.

Mr roT said...

I have lived in Dallas my whole life, and to think that someone would leave such valuables in their car is ridiculous. I feel his pain in losing personal artefacts, but he should have known better.
Matthew, Dallas, USA

I think Matthew from Dallas is representative of the apathy for other people's pain in the state of Texas.
Caleb Mealey, Portland , USA

Hah! AI is a Cheney-hater too! Go back to Cambridge, AI!

Tecumseh said...

I of course never leave anything of value in the car -- I even carry my laptop to the restaurant, though it's a pain in the neck (literally). But still, give the Bishop a break: he fought in the Korean war, after all, maybe he doesn't want to lug things anymore when eating out?

Mr roT said...

OK, poor bishop. And mean mean mean thief that saw the ten grand in the car, thought about the priest's heroic life as a just warrior and man of God and stole his stuff anyway. Amazing how well-informed thieves in Texas are to get a full bio of their victims! Or perhaps the thief was a professor of comparitive religion at SMU and figured out that the goodies were a Greek Orthodox priest's and he heartlessly took them anyhow. Or maybe still, the guy that stole the stuff was a thief and didn't care about anything but the ten grand and how much crack he could swing with it. And certainly there's no one that is disrespectful of religion in Vermont or Massachusetts. Certainly not. Why in New Hampshire, the folks are willing to go against the whole Episcopal Church hierarchy in order to ordain a gay guy bishop! That's in defense of his religion!

Tecumseh said...

So, OK, I understand -- sot of -- that the thief may have wanted to steal the car stereo, or perhaps the iPod or that gizmo that fries the brains, how do you call it? But a Bishop's crown, with his name on it? I mean, there are fences in Texas who will fork 10 grand for that? Then put the fence in the slammer, for chrissakes! Do they arrest and convict people in TX for that or do they get the kiddo treatment, sort of like in VT?

Mr roT said...

Yeah. Lenient Texas. That's what everyone says.

Tecumseh said...

How about this guy with a black Merc SUV, running down little old ladies crossing the street? IN NYC, he'll find a shyster to keep him out of the slammer, fer sure. How 'bout Texas? Any chance he'd spend 3-5 next to Bubba?