Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Snowball McCain in NY


Tecumseh said...

Endorsements and organization can be particularly important because Republicans are unfamiliar with contested presidential primaries — there have been only two in a generation, in 1976 and 2000.

How about 1980? I paid for this microphone, Mr. Green! The NYT sucks, big time.

Mr roT said...

hey, AI, who was reagan fighting then?

Tecumseh said...

It was actually a hotly contested primary -- the first one I witnessed. Bush pere of course was running, but so did John Connally (the guy riding with JFK in Dallas back in 1963), Dole, Baker, Crane, and also Anderson, who went on to run as an Independent. So it may look to you (and to the NYT) that it was all cut and dried, but it was actually a very interesting, hard-fought primary, at least in the runup to NH, and the first month or so. And the ideological debate was much more interesting at the time than now -- what are these guys talking about, anyhow?