Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Classical Educations are the anti-Nazi

Or, what the f%ck happened to Liberalism post-WWII? Check out Mr. H's and the German emigre's profiles:

H is an historian and biographer. He is American of Dutch ancestry born and reared in the Middle West. He has been in love with America all his life. He can recite whole chapters of Thoreau and volumes of American poetry, from Emerson to Steve Benet. He knows Jefferson’s letters, Hamilton’s papers, Lincoln’s speeches. He is a collector of early American furniture, lives in New England, runs a farm for a hobby and doesn’t lose much money on it, and loathes parties like this one. He has a ribald and manly sense of humor, is unconventional and lost a college professorship because of a love affair. Afterward he married the lady and has lived happily ever afterward as the wages of sin.

H has never doubted his own authentic Americanism for one instant. This is his country, and he knows it from Acadia to Zenith. His ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War and in all the wars since. He is certainly an intellectual, but an intellectual smelling slightly of cow barns and damp tweeds. He is the most good-natured and genial man alive, but if anyone ever tries to make this country over into an imitation of Hitler’s, Mussolini’s, or Petain’s systems H will grab a gun and fight. Though H’s liberalism will not permit him to say it, it is his secret conviction that nobody whose ancestors have not been in this country since before the Civil War really understands America or would really fight for it against Nazism or any other foreign ism in a showdown.

But H is wrong. There is one other person in the room who would fight alongside H and he is not even an American citizen. He is a young German emigre, whom I brought along to the party. The people in the room look at him rather askance because he is so Germanic, so very blond-haired, so very blue-eyed, so tanned that somehow you expect him to be wearing shorts. He looks like the model of a Nazi. His English is flawed–he learned it only five years ago. He comes from an old East Prussian family; he was a member of the post-war Youth Movement and afterward of the Republican “Reichsbanner.” All his German friends went Nazi–without exception. He hiked to Switzerland penniless, there pursued his studies in New Testament Greek, sat under the great Protestant theologian, Karl Barth, came to America through the assistance of an American friend whom he had met in a university, got a job teaching the classics in a fashionable private school; quit, and is working now in an airplane factory–working on the night shift to make planes to send to Britain to defeat Germany. He has devoured volumes of American history, knows Whitman by heart, wonders why so few Americans have ever really read the Federalist papers, believes in the United States of Europe, the Union of the English-speaking world, and the coming democratic revolution all over the earth. He believes that America is the country of Creative Evolution once it shakes off its middle-class complacency, its bureaucratized industry, its tentacle-like and spreading government, and sets itself innerly free.

The people in the room think he is not an American, but he is more American than almost any of them.


Mr roT said...

Good liberal educations also produce a bunch of stinking lefties.

Arelcao Akleos said...

No, JJ, we are talking here as in "liberal arts", not as "liberal-euphemism for socialist".
In my experience those who studies the liberal arts as was done two generations ago, with full immersion in the classics and the intellectual origins of western thought, may be "old fashioned liberal" but almost never are stinking leftists.

Mr roT said...

Oh, like the schooling that Marx himself got. I understand now. Dankeschoen.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Marx, by contemporary standards, was a clean and prepossessing leftist.
But of course, as a statistician would understand, his support among the classically trained was very small. His support among the engineers, scientists, and "social scientists" [particularly among the intellectuals who surrounded/drew from scientific activity without themselves being active scientists] was much larger.
Not many of the classically educated seem to find it natural to rave on progressivist fumes.

My Frontier Thesis said...

JJ, R.G. Collingwood was no "stinking lefty." The stinking lefties you might be alluding to thundered against and outright rejected the classic liberal education that their seniors were trained in, mislabeling and throwing it off as "Victorian" or ascribing it with some other pejorative.

Do you seriously think someone who studies the variety of lived human experience within, say, the writings of Anton Chekhov or Fyodor Dostoevsky or Mark Twain or Robert Musil produces stinking lefties?

Mr roT said...

Yes. I know a lot of them. I don't understand them, but I know them. Sorry.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Sounds like my understanding of mathematics and its practicioners.

My Frontier Thesis said...

While reading this peg-that-Nazi-at-the-party essay, I couldn't help but think of the similarities between True Believers of Islam, Militant or Fascist or otherwise.

I just thought it was a good idea to spread the literary and philosophical works of the Western Canon (along with the thinkers and thoughts of our hard sciences) throughout the Islamic world.

Mr roT said...

I admire this last comment of yours so much that I have nothing to say, mft.