Sunday, January 20, 2008

Buy, JJ, buy

And invite us all on your hacienda, when you get a chance.


Mr roT said...

a short commute from here....

Tecumseh said...

But cheaper to rent? Also, on which side of the Río Bravo del Norte do they make better burritos?

Mr roT said...

Here in Kingsville the mexican food is fantastic. It is better than the fancy places in San Antonio and Austin by far. I asked around if there's money to invite you and the answer was mostly no. I'll keep trying. You've gotta come. I am trying to organize a fishing trip with the boys from Boston. This place is not Manhattan, but it is a magnificent spot for sportsmen.

Tecumseh said...

Come to Red Stick end of March. The beer is good at The Chimes. You ever been there?

Mr roT said...

Didn't do much time in BR. You gonna invite me?

Tecumseh said...

Me? I'm a pauper, you know that. Ask the limousine liberal, a.k.a., Pepe. They're the one who sing the pinko blues, 'cause they feel guilty about all the mullah they have. How's that for pop-psych?

Tecumseh said...

At any rate, why not show up at the AMS meeting in BR? Just hop on a greyhound, you're there in no time.

BTW, how does one get around down there -- on a bike like Peter Fonda had in Easy Rider?