Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bavaria Relocates to Grand Forks?..


Mr roT said...

Beautiful stuff. More.

How's Oktoberfest over there?

I remember that in Cambridge, MA the Oktoberfest was hilarious. No alcohol out in public and a bunch of Indian restaurants running carts up and down the street selling samosas.

Just like Southern Germany.

So much for ethnic authenticity. The sheer concept borders on racism.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Yeah, there's a bit of a clamp down, for some reason, on sipping beers while walking around. But it's okay to drink carbonated high fructose corn syrup? Weird.

Good news on the Bismarck Drinking Front. This Blarney place just opened this week. While the Irish Pub theme is kitsch, it's a kitsch I'm prepared to deal with, and support.

Arelcao Akleos said...

MFT, Only a true NorDak could appreciate why Adolf would gladly take Fargo over Grand Forks.