Sunday, October 18, 2009

Bolton worried

that becoming Carter before Carter did will give us more Carter time than we had under Carter. Tecs, you and Bolton agree on this bit of good sense. I hope you don't get swept away by another Zackaria article now...


Tecumseh said...

Obama is no Harry Truman. At best, he is reprising Jimmy Carter.

That's right. We must lower our expectations. Jimmah was, for decades, an absolute lower bound. He's now the upper bound on what we can hope for.

Mr Rot, you said something about some pisswasser in your fridge. That won't do it. I need some single malt. Badly.

Mr roT said...

Me too. Luckily, at this hotel all you have to do is just schnapps your fingern!

Tecumseh said...

You stayin' at a hotel? Wow. You're rich, man.

Mr roT said...

For now. Thank heavens I can move out soon. If I had a chance to be rich, I am blowing it now.