Thursday, October 22, 2009

Huntington's paper attacks the One


Tecumseh said...

As Rich Lowry has observed, President Obama rarely misses a chance to blame a challenge he is confronting on his predecessor. This rhetorical tic served Obama well during the campaign and probably still resonates with partisans who post anonymous comments on blogs or who suffer from chronic Bush Derangement Syndrome. But it gives the impression that the Administration never left the campaign bubble and may even encourage self-defeating campaign-like behavior such as picking feuds with news organizations.

Pepe is the catbird's seat.

Mr roT said...

Yeah, but I think there's a lot more in this piece than the Lowry bit. Not to bug you about your adoration for the Harvard crowd and Lowry, (whose cited article you posted here), Feaver brings up a wealth of interesting stuff in here. For example this harrowing and balanced article which I had missed over at NR.

Tecumseh said...

OK, I read through the rest of the article, and also Owens' article in NR. They both say more-or-less the same thing, which is rather fair and balanced, I agree. But anyway you dice it, it don't look good. We are in a hole, no question about it. How do you say, stop diggin', in French?

Mr roT said...

Yes, we're in a hole, but now we (you and I) understand better that the generals were wrongheaded dicks and W was right on the surge. Mil specialist views can be Murthalike bullshit. Of course, Obama's is a different story.

Just serious new perspective.

Tecumseh said...

Up shit creek -- the long and the short of it.