Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Krauthammer's take


Tecumseh said...

Look, CNN was patted on the head by the Obama administration as objective. CNN is an organization that a few weeks ago had a fact-checking on a "Saturday Night Live" skit that was mildly critical of Obama, but did no fact checking on wildly, grotesquely, libelous racist statements allegedly made by Rush Limbaugh which were not made by Rush Limbaugh.

…That's not a matter of sloppiness. That's a matter of ideology.

Pravda is looking better by the day.

Mr roT said...

Taranto's got the same take, but I disagree. Rush has said some stuff that pisses people off and so the media looked around for the worst thing he has said.

There was some little bit of a leap between what he actually has said and the false attributions, but all in all, it was believable that he would say that shit.

He didn't, but that makes the reporting sloppy, not ideological.