Saturday, October 17, 2009

Stalin making it look good

HuffPo bigshot is just so surprised that the little reset buttons didn't work!


Tecumseh said...

How do you say "gloating" in Russian?

Mr roT said...

You think this is gloating? I think they're playing into the Nobel Laureate President teen idol thing.

Probably some HuffPoers will take this at face value like the NPP.

Tecumseh said...

Well, subliminal gloating -- look, you're on Mr Freud's stomping grounds now, you should know better.

HuffPo: In one bad week for us good guys, both Russia and China brushed aside diplomatic entreaties from the Obama administration and in a one-two punch rejected calls for tougher economic sanctions to thwart Iran's nuclear weapons development program.

You don't say. And note that, when convenient, pinkos call us the "good guys". Isn't Amerikkka supposed to be the Great Satan? I'm confused.

Mr roT said...

We're the good guys we've been waiting for, Tecs!

OK, perhaps there's a subliminal snicker here and there: "So vat do vee tell zee usefool eedeeuts...?"

Tecumseh said...

More: He got a humiliating reminder of reality this week when the Russians, to whom he had paid such humble obeisance, gave him a hard slap across the face, just to remind him who he is and who is meant to be in charge of the world. Mr. Obama expected to get something when he blew off Poland and the Czech Republic...

OK, Mr Rot, what's your repartee?

Mr roT said...

Too depressing to think about. Sickening.