Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Three war monte

The new way!


Tecumseh said...

Biden would then become the natural leader of the movement to wind down this disastrous war and focus on the real dangers in Pakistan.

Three war monte, Mr Rot? C'mon, you know better than that. There are about 20 more countries where the pinko bait-and-switch game can be played like this. And Pepe will fall for it, every single damn time. Like clockwork.

Thing is, what happens at the end of the day, when we run out of places to run from?

Mr roT said...

Well of course, Tecs. I know the real problem in all of this is ultimately Micheletti.

Still, the switches have so far been only Afghanistan and now Pakistan for Iraq.

Jeez, a bit at a time, man! So far we're at 3.

Tecumseh said...

You're technically right, Mr Rot. But I'm looking several moves ahead, like a good chess player. What I see is, jamais 3 sans 4.