Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A bad hair day for Herr Rott

This is what happens when the big takeaways from your debate performance are (a) you hate your own base and (b) you sound brain damaged. Ouchhh. Tecs suggest panic.


Tecumseh said...

I’m most looking forward to is Paul Ryan, erudite critic of ObamaCare, delivering the keynote at the Republican convention right before we nominate the guy who inspired ObamaCare as our nominee. No, scratch that — the part I’m most looking forward to is how it’ll instantly become a grave sin against conservatism to criticize a guy whom we’ve dumped on for years as King RINO once he’s the nominee. In other words, McCain redux.

That's what Rott did 3 years ago. What goes around, comes around. Though, on the RINO meter, his boy was out of the scale, whereas Mitt is much more standard, except for one big deviation.

Mr roT said...

Where's the "Tecs suggests pandering" label?

Tecumseh said...

I thought that's what Perry was doing -- though towards a different audience than the one in front of him. No?