Thursday, September 29, 2011

Black, Paul, and de Gaulle

de Gaulle would [not] have foreseen that an over-united Europe would so soon degenerate into a dyspeptic, demographically dwindling, Islam-raddled lumpen mass of welfare addicts. Enjpy, guys.


Tecumseh said...

“In 1973, Europeans worked 102 hours for every 100 worked by an American. By 2004 they worked just 82 hours for every 100 American ones.”

That's an over-estimate. Just count how many hours a week Herr Rott teaches, and compare to those other stakhanovites (AA & Tecs), and you'll get to a more realistic ratio: close to 0.

Mr roT said...

Check my pub rate these days, buddy. Then weep together with your bigshorts buddies that threw me out of the dept!

Tecumseh said...

Ah, but let's how that rate will hold up, once you get back to the salt mines...

Mr roT said...

Just got the proofs for a paper in an unpronounceable kraut journal, Tecs!

Hope you're having fun learning the Wronskian so that you can teach it tomorrow.

Tecumseh said...

Wake me up when your h-index becomes >1.