Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Warren comes wooing AA

She already has Mr Rot in her pocket: he proudly insists he can't see an iota of difference between her and Scottie. Hmmm... Rum, Romanism & Rebellion, anyone?


Tecumseh said...

Warren was caught on the campaign trail sounding for all the world like a guileless, fevered Marxist. The peasants, she lectured (peasants defined today as working Americans), actually work for the state. Contrary to what millions of Americans have believed over the centuries, it is not the other way around. All those public employees out there? You, peasant Americans, work for them. Those highways you drive on? The state has deigned to provide them -- and don't you dare -- ever -- to forget this.

Warren's performance was a tour de force of arrogance, elitism, and the socialist mindset. A snarling demand for control combined with contempt bursting forth from an eerily Burchard-like assumption of moral superiority.

Ah, but there is nothing to see there, insists the all-clairvoyant Herr Rot, from his lofty perch atop the Dolomite Alps.

Tecumseh said...

Further complicating things for Obama and his party, far left progressives all across the Internet were waxing orgasmic about Warren. Over at Alternet, Warren was cheered for her "progressive street cred" in a fashion that reminded of those who might cheer on Thelma and Louise to step on the gas. Not since Janis Joplin OD'd on heroin has Rolling Stone been this excited.

Or Mr Rot.

"Look Ma! I hate capitalists! Except when they pay me lots of money! Ain't I somethin'!"

Pure Pepe.

Mr roT said...

This sounds great!

The left is bending over backward to discredit itself and is winning in Massachusetts.

That's what happens when Tecs claims he's arguing Cartesian logick with his neighbors.

Cheers for seethers!

Tecumseh said...

Warren distills the wisdom of Pepe to it's pure moonshine state. I hand't heard the principles of AmeriSoc expressed so in your face from someone courting votes before. Is this a sign of hubris, or desperation? In either case, not a sign of strength.

Tecumseh said...

Scottie, on the other hand, expresses no thoughts. Sort of like Pepe, when he skulks. Maybe there is nothing there?

Mr roT said...

This is more in-your-face, I think.

They're all just awful.

Tecumseh said...

Don Quixote, tilting at windmills?