Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rot's pretty boy wins in a landslide -- not

Cain by a mile. Rot sobs uncontrollably.


Mr roT said...


Tecs really making sense now.

Tecumseh said...

"There are a number of folks whose campaigns have spurned this tradition of the Florida straw poll, and I think that's a big mistake. I think the Florida straw poll is very important," Perry said during a morning speech before the vote.

Where are those vaunted Texas political instincts you kept telling me about, Mr Rot?

Tecumseh said...

Get the smelling salts, Rot! The Hermanator cometh.

Tecumseh said...

Another Texan sobs:

My prediction is that Perry's no-heart line will now go down as one of the Great Debate Gaffes of all time. Right up there with the Amy consultations and the liberation of Poland and the comparison to JFK.

Sure, it was only one line in the middle of a generally miserable debate performance in the middle of a trainwreck of a campaign. But it's THE line everybody will remember.

Not that Perry doesn't deserve it. You simply cannot go on national TV and call your own voters heartless. A massive, massive blunder.

Oh well, if Perry lasts until the TX primary, I'll still vote for him. But it will be a sentimental gesture based on what I still think was a very solid record as governor. I just want to forget about his entire presidential campaign.

Tecumseh said...

OK, OK, let's not kick Mr Rot when he's down, but rather, let's do the Christian thing, and give him a sliver of hope. Here's what the best pinko stats guy says:

In the parlance of the bond rating agencies, it is appropriate to put Mr. Perry’s campaign on a “negative outlook,” but it is a little early for a full downgrade.

In other words, he's not like, Greek now. Just Italian.
Cheer up!

Tecumseh said...

Ah, but now Mr "Baghdad Bob" Rot spins like a top: The Perry campaign cast their disappointing finish as a resounding victory over Romney. “It’s a devastating loss for Mitt Romney”.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Well, it is a devastating loss for Romney...
.... But that's a little like describing Waterloo as a devastating loss for Marechal Ney.

Tecumseh said...

Pepe has it all figured out.