Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Perry wakes up

No thanks to Rot's rotten political advice.
Counterpoint: Cain 28%, Perry 18%, Romney 17%. Hmmm...


Tecumseh said...

Always waiting for the white knight in a shining armor, are you, Herr Rot? You gotta deal with the current crop.

Eg, I don't think Christie is gonna play any better than Romney or Perry. He's a good gov for NJ, but won't play too well on a national scale.

Palin looks better now by comparison, but, as you say, her moment has passed. And she's too hyper.

So who are you talking about? Pluck your old buddy Rudy out of retirement? Oh, c'mon.

Tecumseh said...

Mr Rot rages at the machine.

In all honesty, this is embarrassing. I mean, c'mon. I can accept pinkos bullshitting all the time (they do what they do), but being sarcastic like this, and not having a good reply?

I think it's all Mr Rot's fault.

Mr roT said...

Would have been for anyone else, so now I guess it is ambiguous.


Tecumseh said...

The purpose of writing is to communicate meaning. When that purpose is not achieved, it means the writing was bad, to start with.

But I'll grade on a curve, and give you a D+. There. You feeling better now?