Saturday, September 24, 2011

Texifornia. Last bastion falls.

Tecs' UPDATE: Rotterland, Rotterland über alles, Über alles in der Welt.


Tecumseh said...

How's Palau?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Palau is building a Grand Mosque and importing catamites for the visiting Sheikhs of Araby...
It's beginning to look like Pitcairn, or Ultima Thule

Charly said...

So... In the silly nazi hyperbolic incident, are you for or against freedom of expression, tecs?

Tecumseh said...

Getting right to the point, Charly, are you? As you may have heard (or not), the United States does have a Constitution, which guarantees freedom of speech (see eg here). But that does not guarantee that a random pinko could form a coherent thought, or say something semi-intelligent.

Tecumseh said...

Speaking of which, it's your typical pinko prof (sure enough, from Texas) who will stifle free speech.

Duhhh. Day at the office on Planet Pepe.

Charly said...

Tecs, if you read my question carefully,you will notice I was asking about how *you* felt about freedom of speech. This is somewhat different from asking whether freedom of speech is constitutionally protected under American law. Surely someone 'semi-intelligent' ought to immediately grasp that nuance.

Now that this important clarification is out of the way, the reason for my question is i am curious as to why you put the 'nazi' story in the same thread as that about the victim of homophobiaphobia. I have rarely seen you standing in favor of the rights of LWNs to hurl insults at the wackos on the right. Get it now?

Tecumseh said...

No, I don't. You have a point in all that verbiage?

Arelcao Akleos said...

His point seems to have something to do with homophobiaphobiaphilism.

Tecumseh said...

The deep jargon of la Gauche Caviar. Pinko Versailles has its ways with words.

Tecumseh said...

Pepe engages in rational, super-intelligent dialogue. Or what passes for it in pinkdom.